Build a Great Board
September 14, 2023Are you a frustrated nonprofit board member trying to meet what seems like unrealistic expectations? Are you looking forward to serving on a board and aren’t quite sure what to expect? Are you a nonprofit executive who wants to help board members understand their role?
If so, this course is the answer.
Many board members (and executive directors) don’t know the difference between governance and management. They aren’t quite sure what is expected of them. They want to succeed, but they just don’t know how. They are either too involved or an uninvolved “rubber stamp” for the chief executive. They are uncertain about how to interact with staff, don’t know how much financial authority they have, or don’t know what to do in sticky fundraising situations.
Want different results? This course will help you understand the roles of board and staff, how boards are typically structured, and the differences between management and governance. We will talk about the four roles of board members: leadership, governance, fundraising, and assessment. We will discuss the questions you should ask when considering joining a board, and how a thoughtful process of board recruitment can help you be the best board member you can be.
If you want to learn what board member roles are in leadership, governance, assessment, and fundraising, this is the perfect course for you.
Who can benefit?
Current board members, prospective board member, those thinking about serving on a nonprofit board, executive directors who need to train their board.
What will you learn?
- The differences between governance and management
- What the nonprofit will expect of you
- What you should expect of the nonprofit
- How to prepare for a leadership role on the board
How to get certified?
This course carries 7.25 CEUs through CFRE International. If you need a certificate stating you completed the courses, just ask.
Module 1:
- 1 hour What Does It Mean to Serve on a Board
- Why Serve on a Board?
- What a Board Should Look Like
- Board Meetings
- What You Should Expect from the Nonprofit
Module 2:
- 50 min What to Expect
- What You Should Expect from the Nonprofit (cont’d)
- What the Nonprofit Will Expect from You
Module 3:
- 50 min: Roles of the Board Part I
- The Board’s Role in Assessment
- The Board’s Role in Planning
Module 4:
- 50 min Roles of the Board Part 2
- Board Training
- Board Committees
Module 5:
- 45 min Roles of the Board Part 3
- The Board as Leaders
- Governance vs. Management
Module 6:
- 50 min Board and Staff: Who Does What?
- Policies and Procedures
- Board and Staff Working Together
Module 7:
- 1:10 hour Expectations for Board Members
- Board Committees
- The Board’s Role in Fundraising
Module 8:
- 1 hour Board Leadership
- The Board’s Role in Advocacy
- The Role of the Board Chair
- Preparing Yourself for a Leadership Role
- Creating a Philanthropic Culture
Fee: $99
Frequently Asked Questions
I am being considered for a board, what should I know before I say yes? This course will help you understand what you should expect from the nonprofit and what they expect from you.
As a board member, I am not sure what my role is in fundraising; will this course help? This course discusses the many roles board members can play in fundraising, and it is far more than asking your friends for money–this course will show you some painless ways of helping your organization’s fundraising efforts.
I would like to serve in a leadership role on the board but not sure how to position myself, will this course help? Yes, this course talks about the role of board committees and board leaders and tells you how to prepare for a leadership role on the board.