Welcome to my website. I have written or co-authored almost thirty nonfiction books for the nonprofit sector, but sometimes I am motivated to go out of my comfort zone and write something totally different.
The books you’ll find on this website cover my personal spiritual journey, starting with my first novel, The Matriarch, which is about a woman’s spiritual journey that leads her to step into three worlds she never expected. See This Christ and The Face of Jesus are written primarily for Christians who want to explore their spirituality as a person of God, or in groups where they can read and discuss the books with other people of faith. Even if you’re not a Christian, I think you will gain some insights into your own spirituality through these books, both of which have study guides to accompany them.
You might not think that a book with the title, Beyond Las Vegas: Road Trips from A to Z, would be a spiritual book, but it reflects some enjoyable and often deeply spiritual experiences I’ve had since moving to Nevada. I hope you will enjoy journeying with me through these books.